Impact Forecasting Revealed 2024

Impact Forecasting Revealed 2024

Impact Forecasting Revealed 2024

Building Bridges for Better Business Decisions

About the Event

To navigate catastrophe risk, we need to stick together. Join us at this year's Impact Forecasting Revealed as we build bridges to help re/insurers make better decisions.

Be better informed by forging collaborations with academia on an evolving climate and strengthen our catastrophe modelling community to share data and platforms. Closer to home, we elevate the role of cat modellers with insights that connect to leaders’ strategic objectives. Plus how can companies use data to bridge the gap across across reinsurance and underwriting for consistent results?

Agenda Highlights:

  1. Speakers from Ally on Bridging the Gap Between Claims and Loss Results for a Custom View of Risk
  2. Managing SCS Risk: Advanced Modeling Techniques
  3. Bringing Together AI and Catastrophe Modelling
  4. Advancing Hurricane Model and Event Response
  5. Understanding Climate Change's Impact on Wildfire Risk
  6. Enhancing Earthquake Risk Resilience in Italy, Switzerland and South East Asia
  7. Plus, Our Catastrophe Conundrums Quiz

2024 Roadshow Schedule

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We look forward to this year’s event as an opportunity to unite the catastrophe modeling community. It’s about the networking and exploring how we can strengthen our industry together – with fresh perspectives for extraordinary solutions.

Adam Podlaha Headshot
Adam Podlaha
Head of Impact Forecasting

Why Attend?

Impact Forecasting forges links across the global catastrophe modeling community - through robust models developed in collaboration with academia and in an open framework for greater transparency and choice of platform to help re/insurers navigate volatility.

This year’s event focuses on the value of stronger connections to make better decisions:

  1. Discover advanced modeling techniques backed by science
  2. Gain fresh perspectives through case studies from industry peers
  3. Bridge modeling outcomes with underwriting strategies
  4. Understand climate change and hazard risk to drive resilience
  5. Create connections with peers, peril experts and leading academics
Breadth of Model Coverage

Breadth of Model Coverage

With over 135 probabilistic and scenario models spanning 12 perils and almost 90 territories, we empower insurers by providing risk insights for the peak risk zones around the globe, as well as for the emerging markets.

Impact Forecasting

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Impact Forecasting

Learn how your organization can benefit from Impact Forecasting's catastrophe modelling suite.

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