Pension Reform Developments
Amid a cost-of-living crisis, sustainability is a central focus of pension reform efforts in many European countries — many of which are considering changing the state pension age, shifting from DB to DC schemes or tweaking existing DB schemes to improve affordability. These reforms aim to ensure the long-term viability of pension systems while addressing the financial challenges faced by governments and individuals. This global trend highlights the need for innovative solutions to support an older workforce and secure financial wellbeing in retirement.
Country-Level Developments
Employer Initiatives
In today’s rapidly evolving workplace environment, it is essential for companies to adopt innovative best practices that support their employees' financial wellbeing and retirement readiness. Here are five recommendations to consider:
1. Support Financial Wellbeing: Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of supporting their employees’ financial wellbeing, which has a direct impact on emotional and mental health. Organizations can enhance employee financial wellbeing by providing retirement and health benefits, financial education, and tailored planning to help employees manage day-to-day expenses and increase their pension contributions. Behavior-based interventions targeting specific populations, like lower-income employees, can enhance overall financial stability. Refining retirement strategies through retirement adequacy analysis is essential for fostering a secure financial future for employees.
2. Implement Auto-Escalation: Some large multinationals have implemented auto-escalation in DC plans, where the contribution rate gradually increases with the length of employment. This approach encourages employees to save more over time, enhancing their retirement security. This is just one example of ways employers are reviewing their existing DC benefit design, as well as DC investment options.
3. Enhance Pension Communication and Employee Engagement: Providing clear and accessible information about specific pension positions is essential. Employers must effectively manage the substantial amount of information and activities that employees encounter while fulfilling regulatory obligations. Technology is also likely to play an increasingly important role. For example, in certain countries, projection tools are available to help employees understand the numerical aspects of their retirement planning.
4. Review and Enhance Company Contribution Structures: Ensuring employees have easy access to their workplace pension schemes is another critical initiative. According to the 2024 Aon DC survey, the median joining level of company contributions has remained at around 6 percent since 2019. This suggests that many employers have not reviewed their contribution structures recently, despite growing concerns about pension adequacy.
5. Take Advantage of Multi-Employer Pension Funds: Multi-employer pension funds are generally more cost-effective and better governed than stand-alone pension funds. By pooling resources from multiple employers, these funds benefit from economies of scale, resulting in reduced administrative expenses and more efficient management. They also offer better diversification, access to professional management and enhanced regulatory compliance. With multiple employers involved, there is greater scrutiny and governance, ensuring the fund is managed in the best interests of all participants.