The latest thinking in workplace resilience

Read the latest thinking on the key areas that will help you build a rising, resilient workforce.

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Becoming a rising, resilient business

Employers are used to investing in benefits packages and health insurance as tools for attracting and retaining the right talent, but in the modern day, employees and society expect intelligent alignment with their needs, from social wellness to professional development and mindset growth. And those who do invest in their teams may stand to gain so much more.

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International Mobility Survey 2022

The impact of COVID-19 on international mobility has been huge, resulting in far less travel. But that’s not all. The pandemic has driven lasting changes in business travel and international postings. In our report, we discuss the trends and developments that have emerged from our survey. The report also includes some tips which may help you when updating your international travel policy.

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  • Article

To Build Workforce Agility, Look at These Six Factors

Workforce agility is critical in today’s workplace amid uncertainty and the need for transferable and new skills. Our framework incorporates six talent and rewards areas that have the biggest influence on developing (or hindering) workforce agility. HR and business leaders can focus their efforts within these areas to enhance the agility of their workforce, ultimately leading to better outcomes. How can you measure and improve upon your workforce agility across these six factors?

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  • Whitepaper

Transforming energy starts with people

Many firms within the energy and power sectors are developing their vision for the future and prioritising a move towards decarbonisation and renewables. As they go through this transition, they have to navigate a multitude of new challenges. One issue connects all of these factors: people — more specifically, workforces.

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Driving Positive Change Through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Webinar

Throughout the program, key themes were discussed around data-driven approaches to addressing diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in the workplace. These themes included how to hold leaders accountable, and how improving DE&I enables organisations to reshape their workforce for the future to build value for all stakeholders.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace

Championing diversity, equity and inclusion (‘DE&I’) is not a new theme for many organisations – but external factors are reinforcing the need for a robust DE&I strategy and accelerating pressure on organisations to act and report on DE&I goals.

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Building an employee vaccination program? Start here

Employers are hoping that vaccinations will help us to a return to life in which it’s once again safe to work, travel and meet one another. How can they play a significant role in encouraging their workers to get vaccinated when they’re eligible.?

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  • Guide

Driving positive change with diversity, equity and inclusion

Companies that lead the way will build inclusive cultures, set ambitious diversity goals, ensure pay is equitable, and ultimately be in the best position to attract, retain and engage talent. In this guidebook, we explore how companies can take actionable steps using workforce analytics to achieve both their short- and long-term DE&I goals.

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Accelerate your workforce into the future

Companies must create workforces prepared to withstand future disruptions and stresses. The path to getting there requires using data intelligently to balance people risk with optimizing people spend, while also empowering workforce agility and resilience.

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OOO: tracking compensation and careers for remote workers

Changes in where and how employees work will shape career development, pay and the leadership skills necessary to thrive going forward — speeding up a workforce evolution already in motion.

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The 10 factors that fuel a resilient workforce

As the pandemic has challenged businesses, it’s also challenged the wellbeing of their employees, not just in terms of their physical health but their mental and financial wellness as well.

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  • Assessment tool

Workforce Agility Assessment

Workforce agility describes a workforce that thrives on change, can develop future skills at speed and naturally pivots in order to stand out from the competition – all the while balancing investment and people risk with agility and value creation. Are you doing all you should be to ensure workforce agility? Find out how you measure up.

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  • Report

2020 Gig Economy report

Financial security or greater control? Uncover the tough decisions driving the Gig Economy and how businesses can redress the benefits balance.

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2021 Global Medical Trend Rates Report

Despite the pandemic, the high prevalence of employer-sponsored medical plans is expected to continue and provisions offered by these medical plans continues to expand. But how?

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Rebuilding for a new better: Dublin work, travel, convene coalition

Global COVID-19 pandemic has underscored how we are living and working in extraordinary and unprecedented times. Read about the key decisions made by organisations in both the public and private sectors – no matter their size, location or industry.

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Working towards a new better: London work, travel, convene coalition

Every organisation is working through the COVID-19 crisis, making decisions for their business and supporting their workforces. But what does a ‘New Better’ look like?

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  • Research

Global HR Pulse Survey (May 2021)

Our May 2021 global HR pulse survey explores how companies are returning employees onsite, setting vaccine policies and implementing the future of work.

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  • Guide

Closing the future skills gap to drive business success

At a time of accelerated business and workforce change, organizations must act quickly to create agile and resilient workforces with the skills to meet future challenges. In this guidebook, we explore how employers can future-proof their workforce.

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Future of pay: enabling workplace change through rewards

Organizations that reimagine how they deploy, reward and listen to their people will be ready for the future. In this guidebook, we explore how employers can future-proof their workforce by offering flexible and holistic rewards programs.

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Location strategy: defining how and where people should work

Traditional location strategies are actively being disrupted. It's time to rethink your approach and use remote working as a catalyst for change in your organization. But how?

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  • Video

Investing in the future – increasing engagement in pensions

How do you get the most from your pension? What else do you want from it? For some people a changing world is changing their priorities. Embracing the climate agenda is one of the ways pension providers are improving engagement.

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  • Article

The importance of workplace resilience: why should businesses care?

The world of work is ever-changing, and the COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense upheaval and catalysed new ways of working. We take a look at why resilience is so important to businesses - and how companies can help build resilient workforces.

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How great coaches build brilliant habits

Positive habits are not built overnight. But with inspirational leadership, can organisations play a more fundamental role in improving the health and wellbeing of their employees? We explore the role managers can play in coaching their people to achieve personal and professional ambitions, and in doing so, build healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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Building a future-ready business alongside your employees

Business sustainability is being challenged by forces outside of business control and with employee expectations changing, and public scrutiny growing — many businesses are having to undergo great transformations today to make sure they remain resilient tomorrow. Those that succeed in changing course, involve their employees in the process, so that their people, purpose and potential align.

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Using digital technology to ensure strong social and team connections

In an age of information and unprecedented change, digital technology is increasingly being used to create social connections. As a result, employees are demanding more from their employers, in the hope that digital technology can help them to manage their home and work lives with more autonomy. So just how can employers ensure these channels are effective?

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Delivering excellence by aligning organisational purpose with employee values and aspirations

Finding meaning in your work is one of the most rewarding ways to spend your 9-5 as an employee. To achieve this, employers are increasingly trying to align company objectives with causes their staff care about, which in turn is helping them to attract and retain talent, while also propelling productivity through the pursuit of shared goals.

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Building resilience through employee-centric social wellbeing strategies

Resilient businesses are reacting to COVID-19 by ensuring their workforces remain engaged, productive and socially connected. But as the change refuses to abate, employers are realising that we may never return to previous ways of working, and that the way employees interact has changed permanently. So how can we continue to create close social bonds?

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The benefits you would never think of

An above-average pension package, a subsidised gym membership, and maybe if you are lucky, a ping pong table. It is safe to say that many benefit packages are suffering from a homogeneity that leaves little differentiation. So organisations are reimagining their traditional benefits package in order to attract and, more importantly, retain the best talent.

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