Aon  |  Financial Services Group

The Financial Services Group (FSG) at Aon is a dedicated management liability and insurance advisory practice specializing in directors’ and officers’ liability, fiduciary liability, employment practices liability, crime, kidnap, ransom and extortion, and multinational placements. Additionally, FSG works closely with Aon’s cyber solutions broking team to deliver seamless advice and insurance across key financial lines, including errors and omissions (E&O) liability.

FSG is a market leader in management liability insurance brokerage. Our accumulated experience from placing a high premium volume translates into a keen awareness of insurer capabilities and emerging international litigation issues. Our knowledge and experience give us unique insight into competitive pricing, coverage and the claims resolution process.

We address the complexities of traditional and emerging risk exposures for public, private, and nonprofit companies through tailored insurance solutions and services designed to protect management’s personal assets and a company’s balance sheet.

Upcoming Events

Women in Insurance Leadership ExecuSummit - Stacy Parker and Alyssa Pianelli

Please join us for the 8th Annual Women in Insurance Leadership ExecuSummit on March 26th and 27th, in Isle of Palms, South Carolina. Stacy Parker, Managing Director, FSG, will be participating in A Cross-Generational Discussion of Women in the Workplace. Alyssa Pianelli, Vice President - Legal and Claims, FSG, will be participating in DEI is not Dead: Upholding and Implementing DEI Initiatives.


Featured Capability

Distressed & Restructuring Solutions

In distressed scenarios and particularly around bankruptcy filings, D&O coverage is a paramount consideration. During the current heightened period of volatility, working with a D&O broker who has experience can help put the board of directors, corporate officers, and outside counsel at ease. It’s important to understand nuanced issues like creditors standing post filing, varied restructuring solutions, debtor in possession financing, and wind-down exposures.

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Financial Services Group in the Press

“There’s been a tremendous uptick in clients looking for IP-related coverage concerning their AI,” said Nick Reider, deputy D&O product leader (west) for Aon PLC’s financial services group.

All eyes on AI coverage risks at PLUS D&O Symposium, March 11, 2025, Business Insurance

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