
Reinsurance Renewal Season 2024

Better Decisions for Profitable Growth

Welcome to Aon’s Reinsurance Renewal Season 2024

As market clarity continues to increase, so too does insurers’ vision for profitable growth. Wherever you are in the world, Aon brings you the capital expertise to keep you better informed and shape better decisions this renewal season.

We build stronger reinsurer partnerships, access diversified capital sources and drive differentiation for our clients to protect and grow your book.

By uniting capital and portfolio strategies, Aon provides clients with the clarity and confidence to embrace risk and drive profitable growth.

What You Can Expect

What You Can Expect

We accompany a series of global in-person events at Monte Carlo, APCIA, NAMIC, Baden and SIRC with a virtual platform hosting fireside chats, our renewal season briefing, thought leadership and actionable insights  and updates from the key locations to ensure you are virtually there.

Virtual Events

Register Now
  • Renewal Season Briefing

    Event September 5, 2024 |  3-4pm BST

    Renewal Season Briefing

    Led by Andy Marcell, Aon’s CEO of Risk Capital and CEO of Reinsurance Solutions, our panel will discuss global reinsurance market dynamics and how insurers can make better decisions to optimize capital and drive profitable growth – with Aon’s Mike Van Slooten, Tracy Hatlestad, Amanda Lyons, Paul Shedden and Sherif Zakhary.

  • Reinsurer Panel

    Event September 17, 2024 | 3pm BST

    Reinsurer Panel

    We explore reinsurers’ market perspectives, what stands out for them during the submission process and how can we reset as an industry to drive global relevance and profitable growth. With special guests Silke Sehm (Hannover Re), Philipe Meyenhofer (Partner Re) and David Marra (Renaissance Re).

  • Profitable Growth Panel

    Event October 16, 2024 | 2:30pm BST

    Profitable Growth Panel

    How do we respond to customer demand and stay relevant as an industry? Our panel reveals best practices to achieve profitable growth and overcome challenges such as talent and technology. With special guests Jean-Paul Conoscente (SCOR), Sierra Signorelli (Zurich) and Matthew Moore (Liberty Mutual).

Events in Person

  • Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous

    Event September 8– 11 2024

    Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous

    Since it first began in 1957, the Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) – the largest gathering in the sector – has enabled all players in the insurance and reinsurance market to meet and hold bilateral discussions ahead of the renewals.

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  • Baden-Baden Reinsurance Meeting

    Event October 20-24 October, 2024

    Baden-Baden Reinsurance Meeting

    From its early beginnings, decades ago, the Baden-Baden Reinsurance Meeting provides an opportunity for over 2000 cedants, brokers and re/insurers from around the world to get together to discuss the renewal of reinsurance contracts prior to the major renewals season in January.

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  • Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC)

    Event November 4-7, 2024

    Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC)

    Organized by the Singapore Reinsurers’ Association (SRA). Launched in 1991, the SIRC has established itself as one of the most important events on the global reinsurance calendar where leading insurers, brokers and reinsurers gather to take stock of the reinsurance market and set the tone for the renewal season while exploring new opportunities for business cooperation.

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  • APCIA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois

    Event October 6-8, 2024

    APCIA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois

    Dating back 150 years, the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) holds an annual meeting where the re/insurance industry gathers to explore macroeconomic trends impacting US property casualty insurers and hold business meetings with reinsurance markets leading up to January renewals.

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  • NAMIC Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado

    Event September 22-25, 2024

    NAMIC Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado

    A key event for education, fellowship, and networking with mutual insurance company leaders. Learn about the latest issues impacting the insurance industry and what to expect on the horizon.

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Top Tips:

How can you protect existing capital and efficiently use all sources of capital for better decision making and profitable growth?

At Aon, matching risk to capital is what we do. Uncover the ways we can help you optimize capital and manage retained volatility:

  1. Clearly articulate your pricing and underwriting strategies to differentiate your portfolio.
  2. Develop a custom view of risk to optimize your capital and placement strategy.
  3. Leverage strategic consulting and analytics to refine risk appetite and drive profitable growth.
  4. Consider third-party and alternative capital for optimal placement results.
  5. Transfer reserve risk to manage volatility and free up capital for growth.

Develop Your Custom View of Risk in 4 Steps

Insurer Masterclass Series 2024 

Catastrophe risk is the largest driver of volatility on most insurers’ balance sheets. Discover the benefits of developing a view of risk, a four step framework and case studies.

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Discover more

Reinsurance Renewal Season 2024

Contact our experts today on how we can help you drive profitable growth.