Casualty Risk Analyzer

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Risk Analyzer Suite

Casualty Risk Analyzer

Establish a more informed risk mitigation strategy and develop a projected total-cost-of-risk budget inclusive of both premiums and losses.

Casualty Risk Analyzer
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Casualty Risk Analyzer

Casualty Risk Analyzer is integrated into Aon’s broking strategy. It supports the creation of the optimal insurance structure, ensuring that coverage aligns with specific needs and objectives, allowing you to understand the value of your insurance program.

Key Takeaways
  1. Loss Forecasting: Using data visualizations, frequency, severity, and loss rate projections, as well as collateral analysis, Casualty Risk Analyzer provides an in-depth understanding of potential losses. It offers timely insights into unique loss fingerprint, assisting informed decision-making.
  2. Quote Extraction and Visualization Technology: Casualty Risk Analyzer automatically extracts and aggregates information from market quotes and binders. This information is put through intuitive visualizations, delivering market trends insights.
  3. Catastrophic Risk Analysis: Casualty Risk Analyzer visualizes and gauges catastrophic risk potential. It allows organizations to be part of the dialogue when designing catastrophic loss scenarios.
Quote icon

By using a client’s loss and exposure data, Aon’s Casualty Risk Analyzer can evaluate their catastrophic risk potential and optimize their casualty insurance program, enabling them to make better risk transfer decisions.

Matt Hannon
US National Casualty Practice Leader, Commercial Risk, Aon

Navigate Casualty Risk

Global Presence and Market-Leading Solutions Help Clients Confidently Navigate Casualty Risk

Exposure and Loss Analysis

Better Advised

Casualty Risk Analyzer manages the exposure profile by putting each program structure option into a scatterplot graph to visually convey which options are the most efficient based on your risk tolerance.

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Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Better Decisions

Each program structure option can be converted into a value ratio that shows the amount of catastrophic loss you transfer to the insurance market versus the amount of premium you pay for that transfer. This gives you an idea of the value each option provides and helps design an optimal insurance program.

Uncover Catastrophic Risk Potential

Better Informed

Casualty Risk Analyzer has the advantage of introducing the possibilities of a bad loss year and shock losses, uncovering the catastrophic risk potential.

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Tools for Better Decisions

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