Cyber Risk Analyzer

Cyber Risk Analyzer
Risk Analyzer Suite

Cyber Risk Analyzer

Cyber threats and ransomware attacks are increasingly more frequent, sophisticated and severe.

Cyber Risk Analyzer
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Cyber Risk Analyzer

Cyber Risk Analyzer is integrated into our broking strategy and simulates loss scenarios and articulates the Total Cost of Risk (TCOR), enabling data-driven decisions which help optimize cyber-insurance programs relative to their unhedged loss potential. Cyber Risk Analyzer incorporates perspectives gained from Aon’s Cyber Quotient Evaluation (CyQu) platform to assess the level of cyber risk and articulate the impact of exposures.

Key Takeaways
  1. Loss Forecasting: Model detailed loss scenarios faster, including privacy or data breach and system failure. The tool incorporates Aon’s customized proprietary simulation modeling approach based on internal claims insights, independent research by Aon’s Cyber Risk Consulting team, findings from bespoke cyber modeling engagements and third-party vendor data.
  2. Exposure Assessment: Integrate with other proprietary Aon tools including Aon's Cyber Quotient (CyQu) to obtain a holistic assessment of a client’s key exposures and security controls.
  3. Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) Analysis: Overlay loss forecasts with customized insurance options to produce TCOR and Catastrophic TCOR analyses.
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As cyber threats continue to grow in frequency, sophistication and severity, organizations face an array of complex risks, compounded by increased litigation pressures, shifting regulatory landscapes, and heightened scrutiny from shareholders. Aon's Cyber Risk Analyzer addresses these challenges and helps clients evaluate and quantify their enterprise cyber risk.

Christian Hoffman
Christian Hoffman
Global Specialty and Financial Products Leader, Aon

Navigate Cyber Risk

Global Presence and Market-Leading Solutions Help Clients Confidently Navigate Cyber Risk

Exposure and Loss Analysis

Better Advised

Assess exposures related to security-controls risks, determine impacts on loss models and gain insights on risk transfer. Clarify risk potential with catastrophic and non-catastrophic modelled losses for different cyber-risk scenarios. Drive analysis into estimates for income loss due to system failure as well as costs of data-breach response and crisis management.

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Understand Risk Tolerance

Access Dynamic Analytics

Better Informed

Cyber Risk Analyzer examines the magnitude of potential cyber exposure. With access to dynamic analytics, it allows users to evaluate the potential benefits of risk retention versus risk transfer. This approach can help reduce the cost of risk and provide more value from insurance programs.

Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Better Decisions

Make data-driven decisions with a valuation methodology for comparing potential insurance programs, leveraging TCOR calculations for each of the potential insurance options and qualifying each program’s unique ROI relative to the risk. Design an optimal insurance program by illustrating the qualitative and quantitative benefits of different potential risk-transfer solutions.

Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Tools for Better Decisions

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