Property Risk Analyzer

Property Risk Analyzer
Risk Analyzer Suite

Property Risk Analyzer

Macroeconomic pressures and the increasing frequency and severity of natural catastrophes are forcing greater scrutiny of property insurance programs.

Property Risk Analyzer
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Property Risk Analyzer

Property Risk Analyzer is integrated into Aon’s broking strategy and provides exposure visualization and models potential losses and performance testing of potential risk transfer options in the context of total cost of risk, enabling better data-driven decisions and maximizing the value of your property insurance program.

Key Takeaways
  1. Statement of Values (SOV): Automatically extracting data from a SOV in any format, Property Risk Analyzer produces a digital output of exposure details and gives brokers and clients the insights to improve data quality and its impact on models.
  2. Loss Forecasting: Using catastrophic modelled results via independent third-party vendor data and Aon’s customized proprietary actuarial-based modelling approach, it delivers peril- and location-specific models for a dynamic exploration of risk exposure, allocation and limits adequacy.
  3. Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) Analysis: Overlays loss forecasts with customized potential insurance options to produce an actuarially driven TCOR analysis.
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Aon's Property Risk Analyzer delivers a modern analytical approach for clients valuing, aligning, articulating and ultimately making risk finance decisions. Our broker-led technology enables organizations to make data-driven decisions to enhance the value of their property insurance program.

Vincent Flood
US National Property Practice Leader, Commercial Risk, Aon

Navigate Property Risk

Global Presence and Market-Leading Solutions Help Clients Confidently Navigate Property Risk

Swift Access to Analytics

Better Informed

Property Risk Analyzer helps clients examine their property portfolios to determine which risks should be retained or transferred, identify exposures driven by natural catastrophe and other perils, and drive down the cost of risk by optimizing the value of insurance in their programs.

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Understand Risk Tolerance

Understand Risk Tolerance

Better Advised

Each program structure option can be put into a scatterplot graph to visually communicate which options are the most efficient based on risk tolerance.

Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Better Decisions

Each program structure option can be converted into a value ratio that shows the amount of catastrophic loss transferred to the insurance market versus the amount of premium paid for that transfer. This gives an indication of the value each option provides.

Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Tools for Better Decisions

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