Risk Financing Analytics

Risk Financing Analytics
Risk Analyzer Suite

Risk Financing Analytics

Markets for risk are dynamic and corporate exposure changes rapidly, requiring solutions to navigate risk volatility.

Risk Financing Analytics
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Risk Financing Analytics

Integrated into our broking strategy, Risk Financing Analytics (RFA) helps organizations evaluate different approaches to risk, identify the most efficient insurance programs and make better data-driven decisions, allowing them to optimize the balance between risk tolerance and risk transfer decisions.

Key Takeaways
  1. Compare Portfolios in Real Time: Measure the costs and benefits of different potential insurance programs and get an up-to-date view of potential alternatives to clients’ current insurance portfolios.
  2. Combine Different Insurance Structures: Understand the best options by mixing and matching limits, deductibles, alternative risk transfer and other insurance structures in a bespoke portfolio.
  3. Achieve Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) Optimization: Develop an insurance program that accounts for a client’s risk tolerance, a full range of available options and the best way to balance risk retention, risk transfer and volatility.
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Risk Financing Analytics helps organizations make more informed, data-driven decisions around managing total cost of risk. These powerful insights help clients clearly understand the cost and benefit of different program options and the potential impacts of their decisions.

Richard Waterer
Richard Waterer
Chief Executive Officer, Global Risk Consulting, Aon

Navigate Risk Volatility

Global Presence and Market-Leading Solutions Help Clients Confidently Navigate Risk Volatility

Program Design Enhancement

Better Decisions

Real-time, data-driven insights empower organizations to find the optimal insurance program structures to meet their needs. By combining dynamic loss-modelling analytics and risk-transfer market pricing for each line of business, Risk Financing Analytics can help organizations compare the costs and benefits of their available risk management and insurance program options.

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Understand Risk Tolerance

Target Risk Tolerance

Better Informed

Risk Financing Analytics helps set boundaries for insurance programs in line with an organization’s ability to retain and absorb risk and its corporate financial objectives.

Loss and Volatility Modelling

Better Advised

With thousands of catastrophic and non-catastrophic loss scenarios, Risk Financing Analytics helps clients clarifies current individual and portfolio-wide risk exposures. This establishes a baseline loss expectancy for program comparisons and enables a better understanding of current program effectiveness.

Design and Understand an Optimal Insurance Program

Tools for Better Decisions

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