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China Desk - German version     China Desk - Chinese version     China Desk - English version

China Global Solutions Germany – Your China Desk at Aon connecting business in China and Germany


More and more Chinese companies are building a presence for themselves in Europe. Germany is particularly well-suited for Europe-wide expansion thanks to its central location and strong position. By the same token, the Chinese market is also growing in importance for German companies.

On both sides, companies are not only confronted with specific and sometimes unusual risks. Due to very different business cultures, they need a much more comprehensive advice with profound intercultural understanding.

That’s why Aon has a China Desk. Our colleagues, coming from both Germany and China, have all lived in the other country and now work closely together. This combination enables us to find a comprehensive solution that works for both countries, both cultures and the company as a whole.

We advise German companies on their path to China as well as Chinese companies on setting foot in Europe. This gives rise to specific challenges, which we meet at the highest level. With many years’ experience, the necessary language skills and sector knowledge for both markets, we not only understand the specific risks, but also advise you based on the intercultural understanding of our experts. We work closely together with the international network of colleagues spanning the globe.

Our services include:

  • Advice in managing risks associated with growing international businesses
  • Consistency and accountability for your multinational risk management services
  • A global platform to empower strategic global risk management engagement
  • Unparalleled market analytics to efficiently design state-of-the-art risk financing options
  • 360-degree risk management services supporting Chinese overseas investment
  • Construction and infrastructure projects, in compliance with local laws and regulations
  • and more…

Talk to us or email us – we’re always here for you!

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